Pick up any SoCal publication and you’ll likely see a decadent display of fabulous cuisine or a chef at work that’s been expertly photographed by the inimitable Anne Watson (annewatsonphoto.com). Here, the renowned woman behind the lens steps in front of the camera to share her love of food, family and photography.
What sparked your interest in photography? My father has always been a keen amateur photographer, so growing up I was always taking photographs and learned the basics from him. As a teenager, I took Photography 101 as my high school elective. Outside of that, I have no formal training and am entirely self-taught.
What do you love most about shooting O.C.’s hottest restaurants? I love the food, of course! And I love the amazing people whom I get to meet along the way; I feel at home in the kitchen, so shoots where I get to work directly with chefs are some of my favorites.
Last meal on earth? Perfectly seared dry-aged ribeye, twice-cooked French fries and a bottle of Watson Ranch cabernet sauvignon from our family vineyard.
Words to live by? As Sophia Loren said, ‘I’d rather eat pasta and drink wine than be a size 0.’
Dream shoot? I’d love to shoot my own cookbook one day... one just might be in the works! It’s a goal of mine to co-author a book about life on our ranch with my husband, Tim.