As the founder and chief creative officer of national beauty brand Drunk Elephant (with major roots in Orange County), Tiffany Masterson is rewriting the rules on skincare products.
To what do you attribute the success of your company? The products work, and I put my consumer first. It’s that simple.
What do you love most about what you do? I’m very involved in every part of the creative process from start to finish. I develop the products, but I also name them and write about them.
What’s your daily routine? Wake up, drink coffee, check emails and social, head into my kids’ rooms to make sure they are awake, drive car pool, drink my smoothie, work out, come home and work for the rest of the day until my kids get home for homework and dinner.
What’s one thing you’ve done in the last year to change your health? I’ve stopped drinking regular coffee; it’s decaf now. This helps me sleep, which is what I need the most so I can focus better during the day.
What’s always in your bag? Marula oil
Everyday I practice self-care by dry-brushing and drinking lots of water.